
AITRC Community Harvest System
Permits will be available at the AITRC Office beginning Friday, July 1, 2022.
In 2016, the Department of Interior and AITRC membership entered into a Memorandum of Agreement that allows AITRC to cooperatively manage wildlife on Federal lands within the Ahtna Traditional Use Territory. Since 2017, AITRC has worked with the Alaska Federal Subsistence Management program to develop a community harvest system for moose in Unit 11 and for moose and caribou in Units 12 and 13. This system allows AITRC to manage the community harvest system by registering federally qualified rural residents of the 8 Ahtna tribal communities, where individual federal bag limits can be pooled for the benefit of participants.
What does this mean?
Federally qualified residents of Cantwell, Mentasta, Chistochina, Gakona, Gulkana, Copper Center, and Chitina census-designated places (CDPs) are eligible to participate in the Community Harvest System but are not required to. (To see if you are living in one of the resident zones - please see the links to the right);
Being a resident of one of these CDPs doesn’t mean that you can hunt anywhere in Units 11, 12, and 13, as you must still meet existing customary and traditional use determination eligibility. Contact AITRC for additional information;
You do not have to go to the BLM and the NPS for your federal permit, but to one location at AITRC;
Seasons and bag limits will be the same as other federally managed hunts in those units.