
Copper River Migratory Birds Co-Management Council
Partnering for Preservation
The Alaska Migratory Bird Co-Management Council was formed in 2000. It consists of the US Fish & Wildlife Service, the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, and representatives from the Alaska Native population. The Alaska Migratory Bird Regional Council's (AMBCC) primary purpose is to conserve migratory birds through development of recommendations for the subsistence spring/summer harvest in Alaska.
The AMBCC is split up by region, with AITRC overseeing the AMBCC's Copper River Migratory Birds Co-Management Council (CRMBCC). CRMBCC activities include setting and adjusting, as necessary, annual spring and summer subsistence bird hunting regulations in the Ahtna Territory (GMU 11, 12, 13).
Shirley 'Tursy' Smelcer
Chair -- Native Village of Kluti Kaah
David Nicklie
Committee Member -- Native Village of Cantwell
Robert Sequak
Committee Member -- Native Village of Gakona
Michael Jordan
Committee Member -- Mentasta Traditional Council
Evelyn Beeter
Vice Chair -- Cheesh'na Tribe
Fred Dahl
Board Member -- Native Village of Chitina
Nicholas Jackson
Committee Member -- Gulkana Village
Donna Renard
Committee Member -- Native Village of Tazlina