
Wolf Project
Wolf Research
AITRC, in partnership with the Native Village of Tazlina, received funding from USFWS through the Tribal Wildlife Grant to research the range, distribution, and seasonal diet of wolf packs within GMU 11 (Wrangell-St Elias National Park). Initial captures in November 2024 resulted in the successful capture and collaring of 9 wolves. AITRC will initiate another capture event in March 2025 with goal of deploying 10 additional collars.
Two wildlife technicians will conduct site investigations of clustered GPS points to collect biological samples and set up trail cameras at potential kill-sites, rendezvous sites, and denning sites via snowmobiles and aircraft. In addition, AITRC is working with local trappers to collect supplemental biological samples in GMU 11 and 13 to better understand the diet throughout Ahtna’s Eastern Territory.